Calling all girls! This special production is all about you. Girls Only – The Secret Comedy of Women is an immersive theatrical experience that celebrates the joys of the journey from girlhood to womanhood. Remember all those awkward experiences as a teen? Well, you get to relive them all in the live comedy! A show filled with songs, dances, stories, and jokes to last you a lifetime – this is sure to be a production you won’t forget! Girls Only – The Secret Comedy of Women will run at the Garner Galleria Theatre in Denver, Colorado from the 3rd to the 28th of January, 2024. If you want to have a good time with your girls, you definitely need to come to see the show! Perhaps catch a drink afterwards, who knows? Grab your tickets to the theatrical show today! You may do so by clicking ‘GET TICKETS’. Be quick before tickets sell out!
Girls Only – The Secret Comedy Of Women Tickets:
“A two-woman, interactive masterpiece.” – Broadway World
“Truly brilliant.” – The Denver Post
“I was grinning until my cheeks hurt.” – Denver’s Westword

If you remember that key, that diary, the day, moment and place you first got your period, struggling with your first pair of panty hose, your first kiss, or your first ANYTHING when you were a teenager and then actually ‘got older,’ you will LOVE The Secret Comedy of Women. It’s an absolute riot of a show that dives headfirst into the hilarious challenges of being a woman. From those awkward boy troubles to the never-ending battles with bras, pantyhose, and the wonders of menopause, it’s all on the table. This play will have you laughing till your sides hurt as you share in the collective joy of the journey from girlhood to womanhood. Every woman out there deserves a good laugh, and this is the place to find it! Don’t miss out!
The Secret Comedy of Women is a fantastic two-hour comedy extravaganza that’s all about celebrating womanhood. It’s filled with hilarious sketches, improvisation, and other comedic bits, all focused on the joys and challenges of being a woman. The show is inspired by the authors’ own childhood diaries and revolves around the themes of growing up, navigating life, and finding the humor in it all. You’ll experience a delightful mix of improv, sketch comedy, audience participation, multimedia elements, intriguing characters, and real-life memoirs. Originally staged at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, this incredible show has been enjoyed by over a quarter of a million women across North America.
The authors of The Secret Comedy of Women are Barbra Gehring and Linda Klein. Ms. Gehring and Ms. Klein’s comedy journeys started when they were young. Barbara, way up in Canada, was already directing intricate puppet shows in her secret fort. Meanwhile, little Linda was putting together extravagant backyard circuses in the mountains of Colorado. Back then, they couldn’t have imagined how perfectly their talents would come together years later when they created the hit comedy sensation, “The Secret Comedy of Women.” As adults, it’s the kind of show they’ve always dreamed of performing, and it’s a true collaboration of their skills.
Both Barbara and Linda have flourishing careers in the entertainment industry, stretching far beyond comedy. They bring a wealth of expertise in training, writing, creative thinking, logistics, administration, marketing, and public relations to the table. Over the years, nearly a quarter of a million women all across North America have enjoyed “The Secret Comedy of Women” in theaters and at corporate events. They’re eager to see where the future takes them and are ready to make women laugh wherever they go!
“Don’t miss out on this interactive, uplifting performance!” – Broadway World
“a brilliantly devised pantyhose pas de deux, perfectly timed to Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Flowers” – Broadway World

In this theatrical show, Barbara and Linda adlib their way through funny on-the-spot life tales as they each went through their girlhood hope chests. They call on members of the audience to participate, asking them to show off possessions from childhood. It’s definitely a fun and fresh experience as you connect with all the other women in the crowd with jokes that only women will truly understand!
This show is indeed an immersive experience wherein the two-woman act actively converses with the audience! In a review from Splash Mags, they described their experience at the show. “When the women (yes, there were only 2) literally ran into the audience to ask if they could borrow 2 purses, I quickly hid mine under the seat. I had a sigh of relief when 2 women in the crowd gave it up; yet, I kept thinking, ‘what if they chose mine?’ I have enough trouble finding items in my OWN purse, let alone what a stranger would see. I looked through it after the show. I have 3 tins of mints from Trader Joes, 2 rescue inhalers, 7 pens, 11 receipts from various retail stores, a Maj Jong card, 2 lipsticks, 1 eyebrow pencil where the plastic cover fell off (so part of my purse is red), my 2 lb. wallet, a million tissues, a small bottle of Maalox tabs, a key ring that is heavier than my wallet, 2 dog bones, and many other things I am embarrassed to identify. I went right home and cleaned out my purse.”
“An immersive theatrical experience that rejoices in the challenges of being a woman.” – Splash Mags
When The Secret Comedy of Women goes live once again in Denver, Colorado, you must make it a point not to miss it! The show has dazzled audiences time and time again and there’s a reason why people keep coming back for more – it’s hilarious! If you’re looking to have a good time, this one is definitely for you. The production will run for three weeks, so you don’t have any excuse not to come! You won’t regret it. So, when you’re ready, go ahead and secure your tickets to the show!